Top 10 passive income ideas that make money fast
Before I move on to the top 7 passive income ideas in 2019, I would like to let you know exactly what a passive income is.
Passive income, also known as residual or recurring income, is where you get paid over and over again for work that you did once. Some passive income ideas actually take a degree of upfront work to earn money, for instance, starting a blog site or writing an e-book and some don’t take any effort at all. I have multiple income sources that are passive, many of which I will share with you in this post. Just keep reading at the end of this post.
1. Be a professional Affiliate Marketer and make a passive income from your own blog
Affiliate marketing is a marketing arrangement by which a company or an online retailer pays commission to an external website for visitors or sales generated from its referrals.
Affiliate marketing is one of the top 7 passive income ideas to make money online from home. There are many bloggers out there who are making thousands of dollars each month from a single affiliate product. So, you can do the same thing, and you just need a blog site with a decent amount of audience. You can promote certain services or products on your site, for which you will instantly be paid either a flat fee or a percentage of the amount of the sale completed.
2. Earn a passive income via Advertising on your blog
Advertising revenue is another stream of income for many professional bloggers and YouTubers. It is also one of the top 7 passive income ideas that works well for those who have a large amount of audience to make money online from a blog. Google Adsense is a well-establish advertising program run by Google. There are few professional bloggers out there who are making thousands of dollars each month from Google Adsense. So, you will also make a decent amount of money from Google Adsense if you do things professionally.
3. Create a YouTube Channel and make a passive income sitting at home
Everyone loves to watch video on Youtube, and it is the second largest search engine in the world in 2019. Creating a channel on youtube is very easy, and there is a high possibility of making money on Youtube platform in 2019. There are many vloggers out there who are making thousands of dollars each month from their youtube channels. If someone watches one of your videos, ads can appear, and you can earn a decent amount of money from those ads.
The key to becoming a successful vlogger is built a large amount of audience. It takes a lot of time up front, but once your videos are live on youtube channel is potential for you to make a passive income from your every video. In fact, vlogging is one of the top 7 passive income ideas to make money online from home.
4. Write an E-book and promote it on Amazon to generate a passive income
Once the primary task of writing an e-book is done, selling e-books on Amazon can be a great way to generate some serious passive income from home. There are many authors out there who are making thousands of dollars each month from a single e-book. In fact, selling books on Amazon is one of the top 7 passive income ideas that works great for professional authors. So, if you do things professionally, you can make some serious passive income by selling your own eBooks on Amazon marketplace.
5. Create an Online Course and make a passive income fast
People always look for step by step “how to guide”, especially when they are beginning or trying to build a business. So, online courses can be a great way to generate some serious passive income from home.
Here is how the online courses work: For instance, you will create a value-packed online course that solves a problem or fills a need. Your course can include audio, video, text, and emails with pertinent information. Customers will sign up to buy your course, and your system automatically emails them everything they need to access to your materials. So, you will get money for the price of the course that you created. A platform such as Udemy can do all the heavy lifting for you while creating a course. In fact, selling an online course on Udemy is one of the top 7 passive income ideas to make money online from home.
6. Sell Your Photos Online and earn a passive income instantly
Shutterstock is one of the best photo sharing sites to make a passive income from home. You just need to set up an account, upload your photos, and then make money every time a customer downloads your photos. In this way, you can sell a single photo again and again on Shutterstock. Since 2003, Shutterstock has paid out over five hundred millions of dollars to its contributors. So, selling photos on Shutterstock is one of the top 7 passive income ideas that works very well for professional photographers.
7. Create a Mobile App and earn a passive income with it
If you are a good programmer and can come up with some unique ideas for mobile apps or have enough patience to improve upon an existing app that will help people make their lives better, you may land a great source of residual income. There are many apps developers out there who are making thousands of dollars each month with their mobile apps. In fact, making money with a mobile app is one of the top 7 passive income ideas that works great for professional apps developers.
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