Monday, December 10, 2012

Begslist Working on Stopping Scams on

We have been receiving a lot of feedback about Internet scammers contacting our Begslist Community on with offers of donation, but in order to get the donation you must send back a fee or money back to the person offering the donation. This is a scam! There are also other scams offering false hope to our users by contacting our Begslist community through the email that the registered on

The SCAMS STOP HERE!!! Begslist is working on a way to stop scam and con artists from contacting our Begslist Community, so that becomes a safer place to ask for donations from the kindness of others.

How do scam and con artists contact our Begslist Community?
They do this by clicking on your PayPal donation button and seeing your contact email address.

What we are planning to do about scammers?
We are integrating a new donation system into Begslist called WePay. WePay is just as safe and as secure as PayPal, but it will hide your email address from scammers when they go to your donation page. The con artists will not be able to contact Begslist users and the only way they can send you a donation (if they are truly going to give to you) is through WePay.

You should not accept any donations through any other forms (personal check, wire transfer, cashiers check) because they could be counterfeit. Using a online secure payment system like WePay will help you receive donations without the worry of being scammed.

We should have this new payment system integrated into the new website for this holiday season, so stay tuned!

Please feel free to LIKE us on Facebook!

Our Facebook page is open for comments, so if you would like to increase your exposure of your Begslist post, please post the link to your post on our wall. Also, if you have questions, concerns, or comments that you want to share with our Begslist Community feel free to leave a facebook post on our Wall too!!

Happy Holidays and Be Safe!


stair treads said...

At least if they can't donate, they shouldn't scam others who are genuinely doing it.

Anonymous said...

Im trying to asked for help but dont know how to get started. If anyone can help me please. 850 368 1241

Anonymous said...

I just posted a beg and was emailed about a potential donation that required me to pay a fee. I am attempting to get contact information so that I can report this individual. It seems that scammers are still able to access our email information.

Anonymous said...

The pastor from first assembly of God out of Talladega. .is a scam..Please don't reply. .it was a male last week..research who your speaking to..they out to hurt you..DON'T GIVE THEM YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION. .

Unknown said...

The only certify and verify NGO organization that can solve anyone problem is without scam is what you should contact, others are pure heartless scammers. Get 100% solution to your problem without delay by contacting,

anojros said...

I like this post sach good info donation websites

Feardorcha72 said...

I got stung by the oldest trick in the book, not once but twice, sending a refundable fee ($400) by Money Gram to a financier. Though on the second occasion I realised what was going on and didn't send any more money. I know I should have realised but the company is genuine and so is the staff member but not the financier, regrettably, but when every penny counts you hope against hope that there aren't callous fraudsters especially on this site. I now owe my Church Elder that some of money and feel wretched for accepting his kind offer to pay the fee.

So here are the details of the Fraudsters you should be aware of:-

David L Beitler Financier, Geneva, Indiana, 46740 Lara Makky, Paula Natoni,

I hope this message serves as a timely reminder to always be on your guard.

Here To Help said...

I would like to hear from someone in your Dept. i have been getting scammers emailing me asking me for money from this site. I have left my complaints at and your facebook page. I have yet to receive a response. Please contact me.

angmid36 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Angela said...

Avoid Betty Moss I had her contact me from another site she is a scammer she asks for a transfer fee to send you money. I see she has posted here several times saying she will help people do not contact her.

Anonymous said...

I am desperate for money for food to feed my kids and clueless where to get help I couldn’t even send one pound to anyone but If I ever get rich I’d be helping people like me it would be good if I knew of a kind and serious donator xxx

Anonymous said...

I am desperate for money and couldn’t send a scammer even 1 pound and if ever I come into money I will help people as much as I can I need money to help feed my kids but couldn’t be scammed I have nothing all the love in the world and good karma to those who do help people like me I wouldn’t know where to start or how to contact you but send you much love from people like myself who u do manage to help although I wouldn’t know how to receive the help from you
Only via Paypal which is