The Courage Program
- The Courage Program reaches out to single women who are the sole caregiver of a child due to unplanned pregnancy, death of a spouse, or divorce. Since money can often be tight for a single parent, the organization helps women connect to available resources. The program scouts out affordable housing and can also help pair up roommates. Single moms can receive donations of baby food, diapers, warm clothes and other products given to the Courage Program. Courage also has a loan program that single parents can utilize for emergency expenses and pay back at an affordable rate. The program is also a great place for single parents to meet for emotional support.
HOW: Housing Opportunities for Women
- It can be difficult to find safe and affordable housing in an urban area, especially if you are a struggling single mom with kids to provide for. HOW is an organization designed to help women and children in the Chicago area fight homelessness. HOW not only places women and their kids in a residence, but also helps to provide job training for these moms. The group also has special programs for disabled single parents who can only work part-time or not at all due to a health condition. HOW also helps children living in low income, single parent households find positive activities to do after school or in the summer.
CAWC: Connections for Abused Women and their Children
- CAWC, Connections for Abused Women and Children, is helping women in the Chicago area to improve their situation after escaping from domestic violence. The organization provides shelter, health care assistance, and more for women and children striving for a violence-free life. CAWC gives counseling to the moms and kids to address the emotional aspects of domestic violence. CAWC is aware that domestic violence situations can cause substance abuse, poverty and physical injuries to both the battered parent and traumatized child. The agency helps single moms and their kids rebuild their lives and move past these challenges.CAWC is located at:1116 N. Kedzie, 5th FloorChicago, IL 60647-7916
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